Melissa A Smith On HubPages
We at times overlook how considerably animals aid individuals and even when we tremendously enjoy the pets and animals we care for, it is all also straightforward to take them for granted. We can forget that they, too, care for us.
A century later, Verrill’s message has gone stupendously unheeded. Americans pamper their pets much more than ever—treating them to such indulgences as air-conditioned doghouses, craft beer (albeit with out the alcohol), video games, and even humpable sex dolls. Future technologies promise to bring us even closer to our pets—and to make pets’ lives appear much more like human ones. Here’s how our relationships with animals could adjust.
Above is a image of an actual possum with its offspring. The possum is native to New Zealand soon after getting brought there by European settlers. Its capability to reproduce effectively have made the number of possums in New Zealand grow to …