Just like humans, cats can have problems with their skin as well. It is often difficult to diagnose some of the skin problems, so you may need to see your vet. Listed below are some of the common cat skin diseases and their causes.
Contact Dermatitis – This is the least common of all skin disorders. It is usually caused when a cat comes into contact with a particular substance. This can be an allergic reaction or an irritation to the substance. It can be treated with steroids and antibiotics.
Feline Acne – Yes, Fluffy can have acne problems as well. This occurs in cats of all ages. It is typically found around the chin and mouth. It is caused by when your cat rubs on surfaces to mark his territory. Over time, this will result in greasy patches and cause the acne. This can be treated with an antibiotic soap or a topical solution.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis – This is the most common of skin conditions. This is caused when the cat’s skin gets hypersensitive or allergic to flea bites. You will typically see raised bumps and frequent scratching and biting of the fur. First and foremost, eliminate fleas from your cat’s environment and prevent future manifestations from occurring. Antihistamines and steroids can help the break out after it occurs.
Having kitty healthy and happy is of utmost importance. Be mindful to check for symptoms and have them treated right away. As always, if you are uncertain, a trip to the vet is always warranted.