Treat Your Kitty With These 3 Cat Food Recipes
Give your kitty a break from the boring canned pet food available in the stores and cook up a delicious homemade treat instead. Apart from being full of preservatives, canned food is monotonous and of course, expensive. While opening up a can of kitty treats is easier for you, you can definitely take the time off to make dinner for your cat once in a while. Such dishes can even keep cat health problems at bay. There are plenty of cat food recipes, which are easy to make and are sure to taste delicious to your cat.
Cat food is easy to make as long as you are sure about your cat’s preferences. We have a list of some common cat food recipes that combine wholesome nutrition with varied tastes that are sure to appeal to your cat.
Cat omelet: You will need 1 tablespoon of non-fat dry …