Most of the people who decide to adopt puppies struggle with a tricky question, what is the right breed for me. The next question which haunts them is the age of a puppy. We need our pet to get familiar as early as possible and younger puppies get familiar in short time than a grown up dog. Apart from these two questions, there is another concern. Where to put puppy in the home? Let’s answer the question one by one.
Take the first question, which is the perfect puppy for you. First classify puppies into two groups. We have large and small puppies. Now look at the space available at your home. Large dogs would require more space than the small ones. Next factor is the breed. For this you can go through pet magazines and get a fair knowledge about each breed. Generally it is our friends who inspire us to own a puppy. Neighbors walking with their pets and friends telling funny stories about their pets prompt us buy one for our family. Probably we would buy the breed which looks more familiar.
When choosing the puppy, make sure that it is more than or at least seven weeks old. Important things happen during seven weeks time. Puppies need to interact with their mothers or littermates during this period. They receive vital antibodies from their mothers to remain healthy and strong. Add to that, many lessons are learnt which puppies may required later when they will interact with their own siblings. Adopt puppies which have crossed the seven weeks mark.
Puppy is not a commodity, good or material which could be stored anywhere. It is a living thing that responds and reacts. It needs proper feeding, care and love. Search for the retailer who cares for puppies and keeps them as his own children. Only he could tell you which puppy is best suited for your home and which one has crossed seven weeks period. He will tell you how to feed puppies and how to cure when they are ill.
The good idea is to know puppies, their behavior, food habits, diseases and cure. Adopt puppies only when you feel confident that you can take care of them. A last question which I want to ask to all my readers is what should be your age for bringing home puppies. I tell. You must be mature enough to understand that it is a living thing and not a toy.