A specialty pet shop in your neighbourhood may be a convenience for you but are their prices competitive? Do they have everything you need for your pet or do you end up travelling to another store? If you choose an online pet store with a broad selection of products and services, you are likely going to get the lowest possible price and even delivery right to your front door.

Why Shopping Online is Great

One of the best advantages of an online store for all pet needs is convenience. You can sit at your home computer in your pyjamas at two o’clock in the morning and order treats, toys and other items for your pet. Setting your own schedule, you do not have to worry about your neighbourhood pet store’s operational hours. And if you order a certain dollar amount of products and services, you will likely receive …

Benefits of Working With Animals
Benefits of Working With Animals

Many people are confused when it comes to selecting a career in working with animals. The only concern that bothers people from choosing to work with animals is the lack of promising pay scales that are found in the case of other jobs. However, people fail to realize that working with animals has a wide range of benefits that could easily compensate for the lower salary packages.

Furthermore, with the progress in demand for services for pets and other animals, the concerns of payment for animal care or grooming personnel would not live long enough. A thorough insight related to the benefits that can be obtained by working with animals in the following discussion could help in clarifying many doubts.

Unstoppable demand:

The foremost benefit of working with animals is the demand. Working with animals definitely, has a wide range of options and certain areas in this sector have recently …

Are Guinea Pigs Good Pets?
Are Guinea Pigs Good Pets?

Are guinea pigs good pets? All signs point to ‘Yes!’ Before jumping on the ‘small pet’ bandwagon however, there are a few things you should know about these loveable little critters. Knowing about a pet animal’s diet and feeding habits, social behavior and life expectancy is a very important part of being a good pet owner.

The average life expectancy of a pet guinea pig is between five to seven years, although some have been known to live up to eight years or more. If you’re thinking about buying or adopting, you should be prepared a long-term commitment. One thing that’s very important to realize is that you should never get a single pet. These animals are extremely social, and if you want your pets to have a rich, rewarding life, you should keep at least two.

Your pets will bond and socialize with each other, but that does not …

Avoiding Pet Holiday Hazards – 5 Answers That Will Keep Your Pet Safe
Avoiding Pet Holiday Hazards - 5 Answers That Will Keep Your Pet Safe

For pets the holidays can be confusing, stressful, and downright dangerous. But the good news is they don’t have to be. The following 5 answers can help you make the holidays a happy, healthy time for you and your pet.

How can I keep guests from sneaking food to my pets?

Be direct and ask them not to give any human food. Explain that as tasty as it is for humans it can cause severe problems for your animal. If you feel that this request will have not effect play it safe rather than sorry, and put secure your pets away from the area where guest will be.

Which foods are most harmful?

Chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, macadamia nuts, candy, sugar, and foods with high salt content can all be deadly. Consult with your veterinarian about foods that are particularly hazardous for your animal, and then be vigilant about leaving any …

Are you one of the 80% whose home is also home to a dog or cat? I am. I have had a dog in my life since I was in college and each one has been extra special. I am one of those pet owners who celebrates their pets birthdays. One who buys their pets and their friends’ pets gifts at Christmas. So it is no surprise that at the death of each dog, I took the loss hard. But when I lost two dogs within two weeks of each other one summer, the grief was overwhelming.

Our dog Fox was diagnosed with Mast Cell Tumors. The prognosis was not good but we went with the surgery and were among the lucky ones. He bounced right back and we had him for another three years. Then our luck ran out. He became very ill, very quickly and knowing …