7 Foods You Should Never Give to Your Pet

You mustn’t have had the intention to kill your pet. But if you’ve given your pet some of the foods on this list, you have done so much to kill your pet. For instance, from opinions on Collected.Reviews, there are foods that are a common problem to dogs. Especially foods which are high in fats.

There are also toxic foods that could endanger the health of your pet. This is why you must find an online pet food store that offers the best guide to feeding your pet. Of all the food on earth, some are too toxic for your pet. Some of them are:

1.  Xylitol:

This is a sugar based alcohol, although natural, which is considered to be breath mints. However, this can cause liver failure, hypoglycemia, even hepatic necrosis in your dogs and cats. The symptoms this could cause can be rapidly complicated.

2.  Raw Bread

5 Sustainable Ways to Pick Up Dog Poops

One of America’s greatest problems, according to the opinions of pet lovers on ReviewsBird.com, was the problem of dog excrement. This was in 2010.

The problem has been attempted with solutions involving posted signs and regulations imposed on pet owners to clean up their dogs’ excrement with immediacy. But even with the signs and regulations, has the problem been completely solved? The answer is negative. Combating the problem would require more creative methods that are as well sustainable.

Here is a list of 5 creative and sustainable ways we know and have seen. Please note: some of these methods might require you to get products from pet stores online while others might not.

1.  Convert into fuel:

Yes, you heard that right. Your dog poop can be converted into fuel to power streetlights rather than sit idle on a landfill, adding to pollution and global warming. There are pet …

Selling Animals Online: Is It Illegal?

Animals are different from other living things because of their ability to move, respond to their environment, and their lack of cell walls. It is not strange to see animals, especially domestic animals, amongst humans, either as pets or as livestock.

Selling an animal is an act of exchanging an animal in one’s possession for monetary value. There are laws (with exception) guiding this type of exchange. With the introduction of e-commerce, there are questions about if it is legal to sell an animal online or not.

On UK.Collected.Reviews, users share their experiences with shopping online, as it relates to getting animals – for consumption or as pets.

With more people buying online, there need to be guidelines on what can be sold and what should not be sold online.

Many online shopping platforms like Facebook have special guidelines concerning selling animals online. This helps people know the …

5 Ways You Can Stop Bad Behaviours in Dog

Dogs, just like kids are loved and adored by their guardians but certain bad behaviours are not behaviours that you want to fall in love with. I mean, every dog owner would want their dogs to behave primp and proper. 

Whether it is a puppy or a grown dog, there is a high chance that this dog will produce bad behaviours that you wouldn’t like to associate with at some point. Some of these annoying attitudes could be chewing on shoes, jumping on people, barking at people unnecessarily, being disobedient, etc. You may have dogs that you would have tried your best to dissuade from these bad behaviours, but it seems like the harder you try, the more they engage in these bad behaviours.

But, learning to control your dog and teach it good manners is important in making out of it a good dog. Mind you, it is not …

List of Exotic Pets That You Can Legally Adopt in The USA

Leadership is one of the qualities that appeal to people all over the world. Hence, once a person is successful and they do a particular thing, no matter how weird it seems, those who admire them and their success are likely to follow suit. This is part of why many people attempt to do what celebrities do. Michael Jackson, commonly known as the king of pop, is one of the celebrities that have made the idea of owning exotic pets appealing to a huge number of people around the world.

In the USA, there are many exotic animals that it is legal to keep and some of them could be surprising. Some of these animals have continued to remain legal for residents in the USA to have pets even when experts advise against it because some of such animals require special care. If you are interested in keeping exotic …