
How to Train a Cat to Use a Cat Door

How to Train a Cat to Use a Cat Door
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Train a Cat to Use a Cat Door

Unlike dogs, cats can sometimes be difficult to train and you have to be patient if you want to teach your pet the basic function of a cat door. Fret not for sooner or later, they will learn as they are intelligent animals.

A new door flap might startle a kitty even if it is used to using a cat door. So, you can follow these tips to make sure that your pet is not suspicious of a door flap.

Properly Introduce the Cat Door

Before you install a new door flap, you need to let your kitty examine it. A cat actually smells something new to get used to it. Take some time and allow your pet to inspect the material.

Installing the Cat Door

The perfect height for a cat door can be determined by measuring the distance from the belly of the cat to the floor.  Cats are more afraid of open spaces than sheltered areas as they feel more vulnerable to being attacked. So, you need to make sure that the door leads to a protected area.

Your cat would be happy to use a door flap if it feels safe and protected while moving in and out of the house. If you are unable to find an open space for a cat door, you can place objects like flower pots and other things near the door.

Use Food to Tempt Your Cat

Using food such as fish or milk is sometimes the best way to teach your pet to use a cat door. Treats are lucrative for cats and they enjoy working to get more tasty food. Make your cat’s little trip worthwhile by placing small food items on the opposite side of the door.

The yummy rewards will motivate the kitty to pop its head and come out (or in) to satisfy its appetite. You have to ensure one thing. The door should not close on the back of the cat as this will startle your kitty and it might never return to the “training ground” if that happens.

Hold the Flap Open with a Supporting Item

Before you offer a treat to your cat, you might consider propping the door flap open for your kitty to easily see what lies ahead. Use a piece of tape or a peg to hold the flap open.

After your cat becomes familiar with the outdoor and indoor environments, you can then remove the supporting item. Your kitty needs some time to get adjusted so make sure that you remain patient during this entire process.

Adding the Scent of Your Cat

Try to add your cat’s scent if it is unwilling to use the new door flap. This might seem a little odd, but it actually works. Wipe the face of your kitty with a piece of cloth and then rub the same piece on the cat door.

The cat’s own scent will look familiar and your pet will freely approach the door flap.