Does Your New Pet Really Need a Pedigree?

Recently, some of my acquaintances decided to add a new Birman kitty to their family.
Birman kittens usually come with a hefty price tag of several hundred dollars and, often, a waiting list for the few available each year. These drawbacks didn’t deter this family in the least. They had their hearts set on a Birman cat, no matter how much they had to pay or how long they had to wait.
As it turned out, they ended up having to travel several hundred miles to find a breeder for this particular specie, and, when they did arrive, the owner brought out, not one, but two of the most adorable little balls of fluff they had ever seen. Of course, they went home with both of them, and a huge dent in their credit card.
Nevertheless, the proud Birman owners have never regretted their decision. The tiny kittens have grown …